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Explain Like I’m Five

0 out of 5

Explain Like I’m Five is an AI-powered tool that aims to simplify complex topics and make them easy to understand. With optimized AI technology, this tool eliminates technical jargon and presents information in a lighthearted and fun manner, making learning enjoyable for users. By selecting a prompt and choosing from four different options – pretty dumb, dumb, smart, or pretty smart – users can receive tailored responses that match their intelligence level. The tool covers a wide range of topics, from quantum mechanics to the United Nations, ensuring that users have access to a diverse array of educational content.

It is important to note that the information provided on the Explain Like I’m Five website is for general informational purposes only and may not be complete, accurate, or current. The AI models used by the tool have limitations and may generate responses that contain errors or inaccuracies. Therefore, if users have specific questions or concerns, it is recommended to seek the advice of a qualified professional.

Explain Like I’m Five acknowledges the cost associated with running an AI-powered tool at scale. It requires significant computing power, storage, and resources to deliver the best user experience. However, the tool strives to make its pricing tiers as affordable as possible, ensuring that access to knowledge is available to everyone, regardless of their location or financial situation. By paying for the tool, users not only support ongoing development and maintenance but also contribute to making Explain Like I’m Five accessible to more people around the world.

In addition to Explain Like I’m Five, the website also offers a new AI tool called Mind Map. This tool harnesses the power of AI to enhance creativity, increase productivity, and transform ideas into actionable plans. Users can sign up for the mind map AI tool to unlock their potential and take their brainstorming game to the next level.

Overall, Explain Like I’m Five and its AI-powered tools revolutionize learning by simplifying complex topics, empowering teachers and students, and providing access to knowledge in an affordable and engaging manner.


  • Simplify complex topics and make them easy to understand
  • Use optimized AI to make everything simple without technical jargon
  • Keep a lighthearted and fun tone to make learning enjoyable
  • Tailor responses to the user's intelligence level
  • Offer a wide range of topics to choose from
  • Provide general informational purposes only
  • AI models have limitations and may generate responses with errors or inaccuracies
  • Offer pricing tiers to make the tool affordable
  • Believe in making knowledge accessible to everyone
  • Strive to keep prices low and affordable
  • Harness the power of an AI model created by OpenAI
  • Take any prompt and explain it in different levels of competency

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