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GPTZero is an AI detection tool that aims to bring transparency to the world of AI content. It is designed to detect AI models such as ChatGPT, GPT4, Bard, LLaMa, and others. The tool offers various features and functionalities to cater to different user needs.

For individual users, GPTZero provides a Chrome extension called Origin, which allows users to detect AI content as they browse the internet. It also offers a Writing Report feature on Google Docs, which provides users with statistics about their writing, including AI content and a video of the writing process.

For organizations, GPTZero offers an easy-to-use API that allows integration of its AI detection abilities into their own tools and workflow. This API can be used to detect AI content in large texts or batches of files. The tool also provides a detection Dashboard specifically designed for educators, with a premium model trained to detect student writing and ed-tech use cases. The Dashboard allows users to upload multiple files at once for AI content detection and provides scanning statistics to keep track of usage.

GPTZero’s AI detection model is based on leading research in AI content detection. It utilizes a multi-step approach with 7 components to process text and produce accurate predictions. The model specializes in detecting content from ChatGPT, GPT3, GPT4, Bard, and LLaMa models.

The tool has received positive reviews from leading organizations, with administrators and faculty praising its granular detail and ability to observe AI usage across institutions. GPTZero has served over 2.5 million users worldwide and works with more than 100 organizations in various fields such as education, hiring, publishing, and legal.

Overall, GPTZero is a trusted AI detector that helps users identify AI-generated content and promotes awareness of the risks associated with using AI in written work. It offers a range of features and capabilities for both individual users and organizations, making it a valuable tool in navigating the world of AI content.


  • AI detection for ChatGPT, GPT-4, Bard, LLaMa, and other AI models
  • Detection of AI content on sentence, paragraph, and document level
  • Writing report with writing statistics, AI content, and video of writing process
  • API for organizations to detect AI content
  • Detection dashboard for educators
  • Batch file scans for AI content detection
  • Integration with Google Docs
  • Chrome extension for scanning entire web pages
  • Detection model with 7 components for maximum accuracy
  • Trusted by leading organizations
  • Classification of AI-generated text
  • Threshold of 0.88 or higher to minimize false positives

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