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Jenni AI

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Paid plans start from $6 per month

Jenni AI is an AI assistant designed to enhance research and writing capabilities. It is a powerful tool trusted by universities and businesses worldwide. With Jenni AI, users can supercharge their writing, research, and editing processes.

One of the standout features of Jenni AI is its AI Autocomplete, which helps users overcome writer’s block by providing suggestions and writing alongside them. Additionally, Jenni AI offers in-text citations, allowing users to easily cite their sources in APA, MLA, IEEE, or Harvard style. Users can also take advantage of the paraphrase and rewrite feature, which allows them to rephrase any text in any tone.

Jenni AI also offers the ability to generate content from uploaded files, making it easy to bring research papers to life. Users can quickly understand and summarize their research papers with the help of the AI chat assistant. The tool also provides an outline builder, which generates a list of section headings based on the user’s prompt.

Customization is another key feature of Jenni AI. Users can choose from a range of styles and tones, from academic to persuasive, to suit their writing needs. The tool also includes a research library, where users can save and manage their research, making it easy to cite research in any document.

Jenni AI acts as a virtual assistant, providing suggestions and expanding users’ notes into full paragraphs. It has been embraced by over 1 million academics and has received positive feedback from users who have found it to be a game-changer in overcoming writer’s block and improving writing efficiency.

In terms of pricing, Jenni AI offers a free plan with limited features, including 200 AI words per day and unlimited PDF uploads. For more advanced features and priority support, users can opt for the Unlimited plan, which is priced at $20 per month. There is also an enterprise pricing option available for research labs and universities.

Overall, Jenni AI is a highly regarded AI tool that empowers writers and researchers to enhance their productivity and efficiency. With its range of features and customization options, it is a valuable asset for anyone looking to improve their writing and research capabilities.


  • AI Autocomplete
  • In-text Citations
  • Paraphrase & Rewrite
  • Generate From Your Files
  • Chat to your PDFs
  • Outline Builder
  • Custom Styles & Tones
  • Research Library
  • Types of content Jenni can help you with
  • Unlimited AI words
  • Priority support

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