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Magick is a full stack developer suite called “Your Full Stack, AI Development Platform” that offers a visually-driven, user-friendly platform for building, deploying, maintaining, and scaling generative, autonomous AI powered assistants, agents, bots, and applications. The platform is designed to cater to both seasoned developers and AI novices, providing an intuitive, low-code interface. With Magick, users can develop advanced AI agents swiftly using the visually-driven, node-based editor, and simplify the technical aspects of deployment. The platform also offers maintenance tools to ensure peak performance of AI agents, with agent analytics and easy edits. As applications grow, Magick scales alongside, ensuring future-readiness and meeting growing demands in an ever-evolving digital environment.

One of the key features of Magick is its easy-to-use no-code visual-builder interface, which allows users to avoid coding unless they want to. This makes AI development accessible to everyone, regardless of their technical background. Whether users are experienced developers or just getting started with AI, they can use the visual builder to create and customize AI components. Magick aims to make building AI easy and fun, enabling users to build world-class AI applications without having to write a single line of code.

Magick also offers the Magick Key, which provides access to a full suite of modern ML providers, including OpenAI, AI21, Cohere, Google, and more. This single API saves users the hassle of managing multiple keys and allows them to choose the best model for the job. Users can avoid vendor lock-in and enjoy the flexibility of switching between models as their needs change. The Magick Key makes it easy to integrate AI into applications and services.

In addition to its development capabilities, Magick offers opportunities for monetization. Users can join the Creator Economy and earn a portion of the inference margin when others use their agents. They can also take advantage of the Community Marketplace to design and sell unique spells, plugins, or full bot templates, creating an additional revenue stream while contributing to the AI community.

Magick is a cloud-based hosted solution that provides a powerful, open-source, low-code visual programming environment for building state-of-the-art AI agents and systems. It allows for the easy creation and deployment of complex AI agents that can be connected to various services for adaptability and scalability. With Magick, users can focus on building great AI bots and services without getting bogged down in the details of underlying infrastructure.

The team behind Magick consists of visionary individuals with expertise in media, user experience, and strategy. Michael Sharpe, the CEO, aims to reinvent how we interact with reality and each other using AI. Andrew da Silva, the CDO, is passionate about creating meaningful experiences and putting users first. Jesse Alton, the CPO, brings his experience as a product manager and strategy expert to revolutionize the way AI is built.

Magick is developed by Oneirocom Systems Inc. and is protected by copyright.


  • Comprehensive toolkit for building, deploying, maintaining, and scaling AI agents, bots, and applications
  • Visually-driven, user-friendly platform
  • Intuitive, low-code interface
  • Next-generation AI plugins
  • Node-based editor for developing AI agents
  • Simplified deployment process
  • Maintenance tools for peak performance
  • Scalable platform
  • No-code visual-builder interface
  • Single API for accessing multiple ML providers
  • Monetization options for AI creations
  • Cloud-based hosted solution for building and deploying complex AI agents

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