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MusicLM is an AI tool developed by Google Research that focuses on generating high-fidelity music from text descriptions. The tool utilizes a hierarchical sequence-to-sequence modeling approach to generate music at a frequency of 24 kHz, ensuring consistency over several minutes. According to the research conducted, MusicLM has shown superior performance in terms of audio quality and adherence to the provided text description compared to previous systems.

One notable feature of MusicLM is its ability to be conditioned on both text and a melody. This means that it can transform whistled and hummed melodies according to the style described in a text caption. This feature opens up possibilities for users to experiment with different musical styles and create unique compositions.

To support further research in this field, Google Research has publicly released MusicCaps, a dataset consisting of 5.5k music-text pairs. These pairs include rich text descriptions provided by human experts, allowing researchers and developers to explore and enhance the capabilities of MusicLM.

In addition to generating music from text descriptions, MusicLM offers various other functionalities. These include long generation, story mode, text and melody conditioning, painting caption conditioning, 10s audio generation from text, instrument selection, genre selection, musician experience level, place selection, epochs, accordion solos, generation diversity, and same text prompt and same semantic tokens.

Overall, MusicLM is a powerful AI tool that enables users to generate high-quality music based on text descriptions. Its ability to transform melodies and its diverse range of features make it a valuable resource for musicians, researchers, and developers in the field of music generation.


  • Generates high-fidelity music from text descriptions
  • Consistent music generation at 24 kHz over several minutes
  • Outperforms previous systems in audio quality and adherence to text description
  • Can be conditioned on both text and a melody
  • Transforms whistled and hummed melodies according to the style described in a text caption
  • Dataset of 5.5k music-text pairs with rich text descriptions provided by human experts

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