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Promptstacks is a community-driven platform that focuses on Generative AI and prompt engineering. With over 19,000 learners, Promptstacks offers a space for individuals to share and discover tips and tricks related to Generative AI. The platform allows users to discuss prompt engineering and stay up-to-date with industry news.

One of the key features of Promptstacks is the ability to share prompts with the community and receive feedback, critiques, and guidance. This collaborative approach enables users to brainstorm solutions to prompt engineering obstacles. Additionally, Promptstacks provides access to a wealth of resources such as articles and courses, allowing users to stay informed about the latest AI trends.

For those looking to enhance their skills with cutting-edge AI, Promptstacks offers the ChatGPT Accelerator Course. This course, convened by Sean Melis, an ex-Deloitte AI consultant, provides participants with a comprehensive understanding of ChatGPT’s strengths, weaknesses, and limitations. The course includes 500+ prompts and has received positive feedback from learners.

Promptstacks also features a Prompt Engineering School, where users can learn from a beginner to intermediate level. Additionally, there is a Text-To-Image School that focuses on improving text to image outputs using programs like Stable Diffusion and Midjourney.

Overall, Promptstacks is a trusted platform that caters to experts, students, developers, engineers, and automators. It offers a supportive community, access to resources, and comprehensive courses to help individuals stay ahead in the field of AI.


  • Share prompts with the community and receive feedback
  • Access to Discord for collaboration and brainstorming
  • Access to resources such as articles and courses
  • Prompt engineering guide for beginners to intermediate
  • Text-to-image school to improve text to image outputs
  • ChatGPT Accelerator Course with comprehensive understanding of ChatGPT's strengths, weaknesses, and limitations
  • 500+ prompts included in the ChatGPT Accelerator Course
  • Convened by Sean Melis, ex-Deloitte AI consultant
  • Weekly AI deep dive sharing
  • Community-driven platform for sharing and discovering Generative AI tips and tricks
  • Discussion on prompt engineering and general industry news
  • Free access to the community and chat with others

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