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Quickchat AI

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Quickchat AI is a technology that allows companies to build their own multilingual AI assistants. These AI assistants are powered by generative AI models such as GPT-3. With Quickchat AI’s no-code platform and powerful integrations, companies can easily create conversational AI interfaces and connect them to any website, product, app, game, or smart device.

One of the key features of Quickchat AI is its no-code platform, which means that users do not need to have technical skills or write code to build their AI assistants. They can start with a generic AI assistant out of the box and then upload their custom Knowledge Base to personalize the assistant’s responses.

Quickchat AI also offers integrations and an API that allow users to embed the Quickchat Web Widget on their website or easily integrate it with any other messaging app, live chat software, or their own application. This makes it convenient for businesses to incorporate the AI assistant into their existing communication channels.

Another notable feature of Quickchat AI is its multilingual capability. Users can use the same Knowledge Base written in English to create a multilingual AI assistant that can communicate in any language. This simplifies the process of building AI assistants for different language markets.

Quickchat AI also provides an automated human handoff feature. When the AI assistant fails to find answers in the Knowledge Base or upon user’s request, it will automatically transfer the conversation to one of the human agents. This ensures a seamless transition between AI and human support.

Furthermore, Quickchat AI allows users to have control over the conversation style, flow, and vocabulary of the AI assistant. This customization feature enables businesses to match the conversation with their product, use case, and branding.

Quickchat AI is suitable for various types of users. Website owners can automate their live chat conversations using the Quickchat AI widget. Developers can build AI assistants for their clients or integrate it with their proprietary software products. Enterprises can revolutionize their customer support, sales, and HR processes with cutting-edge AI.

In terms of pricing, Quickchat AI offers two options. The Lite plan is designed for SMEs and e-commerce stores who want to automate customer support. It costs $99 per AI bot per month. The Enterprise plan is for companies that require custom features or want to build a unique AI experience. The pricing for the Enterprise plan is custom and can be tailored to the specific needs of the business.

Overall, Quickchat AI provides a user-friendly platform for building AI assistants that can communicate in multiple languages. Its no-code approach, integrations, and customization options make it a versatile tool for businesses looking to enhance their customer support and automate their communication processes.


  • Build a Multilingual AI Assistant powered by GPT models
  • No-code platform
  • Upload custom Knowledge Base
  • Embed the Quickchat Web Widget on your website
  • Integrate with any messaging app or live chat software
  • Connect to any website, product, app, game, or smart device
  • Create a multilingual AI that can talk in any language
  • Automated Human Handoff to Human Agents
  • Control over conversation style, flow, and vocabulary
  • Automate live chat conversations with the Quickchat AI widget
  • Build AI Assistants for clients or integrate with proprietary software
  • Revolutionize Customer Support, Sales, and HR with AI

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