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Tactic is an AI tool that aims to help users generate insights from any document, regardless of its source. By automating research, analysis, and action, Tactic allows users to save time and make smarter decisions. With Tactic, users can effectively manage the information overload that comes from emails, meetings, and various forms of communication. The tool enables users to import presentations, contracts, meeting notes, and other types of documents, and then surface contextual highlights and key answers relevant to their business. Users can interpret the data and summarize next steps, and also share their analysis with their team through interactive reports.

One of the key features of Tactic is its ability to organize and analyze text data from any source, including news, Google, PDFs, webpages, APIs, customer conversations, product feedback, and market research. The tool offers powerful ways to ask specific questions and get formatted answers, similar to using SQL for unstructured data. Tactic also supports Markdown, making it easy for users to format their work.

In addition to its analytical capabilities, Tactic allows users to transform their notebooks into beautifully designed tables and reports with just a click of a button. This feature enables users to showcase their work and drive action within their team.

Tactic differentiates itself from chatbots like ChatGPT by offering end-to-end features such as importing data, extracting structure from unstructured information, visualizing data, and integrations. It provides a comprehensive solution for users who need more than just copy and pasting text into a chatbot.

As for data security, Tactic ensures the protection of user data. While specific details about the security measures are not mentioned in the provided text, users can be assured that their data is handled with care.

Overall, Tactic is a versatile AI tool that empowers users to generate insights, automate research and analysis, and collaborate effectively with their team.


  • Generate insights from any document, anywhere
  • Automate research, analysis, and action
  • Read and analyze emails, meeting notes, and other communication
  • Import and analyze text data from various sources
  • Surface contextual highlights and key answers
  • Summarize next steps
  • Share analysis in interactive reports
  • Ask specific questions and get formatted answers
  • Transform notebooks into tables and reports
  • Build AI app with end-to-end features
  • Visualize data
  • Ensure data security

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